Barbara Ruth Ashman was born in Portland, Oregon on July 29, 1933 to Ruth Magdaline (Boardman) Beardsley (teacher) and Albert Richard Beardsley (superintendent of schools). She passed away peacefully on December 27, 2020 at about 3:30 in the morning. Her husband, Richard Robert Ashman (electrical engineer) died on November 16, 2000 in Bellingham, Washington. Together they lived in California, Saskatoon, Toronto, British Columbia, and Washington State. After his death Barbara moved to Thompson Falls, Montana and then settled in Corvallis, Oregon for over a decade. For the last ten months of her life she was living with her daughter on Whidbey Island.
Barbara was an experimental psychologist and educator. She founded The Frazer Valley Alternative School in Port Kells, British Columbia. She was an active member of the Green Party and joyful to see the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. She lived long enough to vote in the 2020 election! Her great hopes included universal respect for the environment and all beings living in it and that the youth of the world, in particular, have been awakened to the devastation caused by systemic racism and individual greed.
She is survived by her daughters Diane Jhueck (psychotherapist) and Catherine Wesley (author), who with her husband Kevin, have three sons: Keziah, Zyvan, and Zante Wesley. Barbara and Richard's daughter, Crista Ashman, passed away on December 20, 1980 at the age of 24 and is still deeply missed by family and friends. Their son, Jimmy, was born and died on July 13, 1959. Barbara's only sibling, her little sister Connie Lou, died at age three of leukemia. Barbara grieved these three loses all her life. Barb has many beloved cousins and friends in Oregon, California, and Washington. Her inscrutable kitty, Abby, age 19, is now living with her daughter.
Barbara was a funny, intelligent, strong, independent woman. May she rest in peace and power.